Andres Mejia is a Senior Engagement Manager for McKinsey & Co., a
company for which he has worked since 2012. Among his duties since he
began his professional career in 1999 have been consulting tasks. When
Andres Mejia undertakes a consultant responsibility, for McKinsey &
Co. or any other client, he approaches it seriously, applying more than
15 years of experience. You don’t need 15 years of experience to begin a
career as a consultant, though. You just need traits like the ones
- Honesty – If you want to become a trusted consultant, you want to be known for keeping your word. When you say you’ll do something, you must do exactly that. Though this sounds simple, it’s often overlooked as an important element to building a trustworthy business reputation. Building an honest reputation early will earn you more opportunities later in life.
- Attention to Detail – Having acute attention to detail will help you build trust with your clients by way of error-free work. You want to ensure that you do not have spelling-, calculation- or grammar-related mistakes in any of your work. When you refer a potential client to a past client reference, you can almost guarantee that your past client will mention your attention to detail.
- Forethought – This trait is simple: Think before you act. This will help you avoid critical errors in your work and it will build a trustworthy reputation within your industry.