Friday, 19 February 2016

Andres Mejia of McKinsey & Co. - Leadership Traits

Andres Mejia has worked as a leader with companies like McKinsey & Co. since 1999. He has established himself as a motivational manager and as a reliable, responsible leader. Presently, Andres Mejia handles many duties as an Organization Solutions Expert with McKinsey & Co., and leading is just one of them. To also be trusted with engagement, management and advisement is a large show of respect, and it can all start with great leadership skills. Fostering the following traits in yourself can make you a better leader and, as a result, a better businessperson:

Andres Mejia McKinsey
  • Give, and Keep, Your Word – When you lead, it’s important that your team trusts you. When you make a promise to a client or to your team, think about what you’re committing to and keep your word. Always doing what you say will quickly establish a reputation, even if it means promising less.
  • Take Blame, Give Credit – Your team should be able to rely on you as your leader. When working with your client, always take more blame than you deserve and less credit than you deserve. This shows your team in a more positive light and builds trust.
  • Be the Leader You Respect – Think about the kind of leader that you hope to be and then embody that at all times. Your team will emulate how you act, so also consider how you want your team to behave and act accordingly.
Andres Mejia McKinsey & Co. is known for both building and retaining motivated teams and, with traits like those above, you can establish a similar reputation.